Lily is the most gifted guide and mentor I have ever worked with. Working with her has truly changed my life for the better.
After my cancer diagnosis, Lily got me back in touch with who I really am and helped me identify the gifts I offer to the world. She helped me to silence my doubting mind and taught me how to trust myself.
She has touched me deeply with her insights, offering guidance and perspective I could not find anywhere else. Because of the confidence I have in her, I have recommended her to friends, family and business associates. They have all been as delighted as I am.
Marilyn Richards – Life Coach, Registered Counselor – Washington
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I’ve been spending the past few days trying to absorb the information in your reading. It was both amazing and comforting in equal measure. I’m so excited because I know without a shadow of a doubt that my husband was speaking to me through you. When the reading was over I felt so relieved. What incredible gifts you have! Not only was the reading accurate, but you managed to capture my husband’s humor and personality in your delivery. I never exoected to laugh so much during that reading. Obviously, I need more healing (and I’ll probably have more questions for him as well) so I’ll definitely be contacting you again. I just can’t seem to find the right words to express my gratitude. You’ll have to settle for a big thank you, no a humongous thank you!
Wishing you all the best with love and gratitude,
R.M. – New York
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What a glorious treasure you are Lillian. You give of yourself to all who come into contact with you. As for myself, there is no other person that was able to change my life for the better. You gave me an understanding of why I am here and my purpose in this lifetime. You gave me the opportunity to reach and hear from my deceased beloved sister and also my mother that meant so much to me. Knowing you and realizing that you are a gift to humanity, makes me proud to call you my friend, my spiritual connection to a higher power and someone who is a caring, loving and intelligent human being. For all those fortunate people that in some way have found their way to your doorstep, they have become enlightened and will live a much more beautiful life than they ever anticipated. As I said, you are truly a gift.
Thank you so very much. To know you is an honor.
Edwina Reizer – New Jersey
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I wish you all the best in this new year. Thank you for being such a precious medium, for bringing light, love and clarity to our lives.
A.R. – Germany
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Thank you. Our session was amazingly insightful. We will cordinate a time to come see you again. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. YOU ARE A BLESSING.
P.H. – South Carolina
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Little did I know I needed a (Lily) fix!!!! How can anyone NOT smile when they’re around you??? You’re so captivating — I just want to hang on to your every word!!! And if someone didn’t walk away with AT LEAST 2-3 ideas from that session, they obviously weren’t listening!!!
Please, please come back! You are just so, so energizing and so wonderful and so smart.
T.P. – South Carolina
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You made my day. Thank you so much for sharing with me this life changing experience. I will always be grateful.
With all my Love,
N.I. – France
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Thank you again for yesterday’s reading. My main purpose for the session was to hear a confirmation from someone else, other than myself, about who I (really) am, and to know where did I come from without giving any clue about these. And you did that wonderfully, using the same words as I would.
You actually confirmed more than I planned. This validates all my years of learning, reading, searching for truth, and all my “downloads” and hunches, I trust myself more now. I was familiar with all the terms, names, concepts you mentioned; I just wanted to hear it from you without revealing much myself…
You are such a gift, and a very loving and kind person, I value your offer very much, and can see how speaking with you even for a few minutes can be very uplifting, and I will contact you again in a few weeks.
A.S. – E.U.
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Thank you so much for your kind help and very inspirational reading. The experience was again wonderful and precious. I love your energetic and beautiful tone while you were doing reading :).
Thank you for everything and I feel blessed to know you and Andreas! I look forward to talking with you again next time!
With deep gratitude and love,
Y.W. – China
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Thank you so much again for the reading and for sending me the full recording… it brought me so much! Thank you so much for your patience, caring, support, compassion, love and understanding!!! I still can feel it every day!
So much gratitude…
K.W. – Europe
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I was just thinking the other day that meeting you, and the information you shared with me these past months has had a transformative effect on my way of thinking and my life . . . what a great blessing you are in my life! Thank you again, and I hope to talk with you soon!
D.R. – Washington
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As always, listening to you is a multiple experience; high energy, clear vision, a learning opportunity and a message of support and confidence in our power to “make it happen”.
Thank you for the multiple level experience. May you continue to be blessed in ‘all ways’ always.
B.R. – South Carolina
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Heartfelt gratitude and Love to you, Lily. Thank you for affirming what the eternal soul knows 🙂 and sharing your precious gifts. Andreas blessings and presence was heart warming and your radiance shines through the experience.
K.V. – New Jersey
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WOW!!! What a beautiful spirit. I thank you for taking time from your busy day to speak to our group. You are both motivating, inspirational and truly a blessing. Thanks to you for being there and we hope you will return soon.
V.M. – South Carolina
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I just wanted to thank you for all the help you have given me since I contacted you when my daughter was near the end. I think that you are truly the one thing that is good that has happened to me since she had to leave. Your friendship has meant so much to me, that I can hardly express how much it has kept me sane. I just wanted you to know (even though you probably already did!)
J.R. – Pennsylvania
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I want you to know how grateful I am to you, for the very successful channeling session you performed on me, via the telephone.
I had been having unpleasant dreams for years. Not every night, but much too often. My negative dreams centered around failure, disappointment, apprehension, and unmakeable deadlines. Since our channeling session, Lily, I’ve had no negative dreams! It has been a great blessing in my life. You somehow managed to exorcize the entity which was causing my problems. I don’t pretend to understand how you did it, but there is no doubt about your success.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for putting your marvelous psychic abilities to work for me! I’ll be forever in your debt!
Blessings & Deep Gratitude
O.M. – Florida
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Thank you, Lily. I cannot believe how my reading was all so accurate. Much love and countless blessings to you, I am so honoured to have come across you …
G.B. – United Kingdom
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Thank you so much for my session earlier today. Things are definitely evolving for me and inside of me. I am happy to sense that I have a somewhat better grasp of what might be going on during sessions, and a better understanding of who the Helpers are. However, the most remarkable Helper is Yourself, because you are truly bridging worlds and dimensions as you hold out your loving hands to those of us in this life plane who still struggle with what these energetic, human and planetary changes are all about.
I am so ever grateful for what you’ve done for me so far. I really am, dear Angel of Light.
P.D. – Switzerland
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Thank you so much for the amazing reading Lily. I feel so blessed to have connected with you. It feels as though today a veil to the future lifted.
M.C. – Canada
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I just landed an ideal situation in Deutchland!! And I look forward to the amazing opportunity. I wanted to thank you for the inspiration you have been in my life over the last year. I know in part none of this would have been possible without your love and guidance. Again, many thanks.
J.R.C. – California
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Your insights are astounding and have been so very helpful! Thank you and your guides so much for the reading the other day. I am still processing the information. The reading was so true and so illuminating. I am thinking of following it up with another one.
I have some people that would like a reading with you. I am giving them your information.
Your generosity of spirit astounds me…. as always.
S.H. – New York
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Thank you for your time and great insights during our last conversation. I came away lit up and inspired. You opened the door to a whole new way of looking at the possibilities.
Thanks again Lily, for your support and wonderful counsel.
S.D. – Washington
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I wanted to thank you for your time. It was a very special reading and I could feel your love and concern as well as the guides assisting me in moving forward. Once you gave me the guidance I realized that I was holding myself back by not making that final decision, and then putting my plan in place. This week I have begun the process, and it doesn’t seem as overwhelming as I had allowed myself to think it would before we spoke.
Lily you are a very special gift to me, and as I write this I feel tears of joy come into my eyes for being so blessed to have you in my life. Having you here to assist me when I need guidance fills my heart with joy and gratitude. Thank you for being you and for being one of the greatest blessings I have been given.:)
With love and gratitude,
B.S. – North Carolina
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You are a treasure to me, more than words can express. My dear Lily, you make the sun shine brighter for everyone you meet. You dance and sway to the melody of life. I cherish the gift the Lord has given me through your friendship.
Pastor S. – Florida
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Thank you very much. Yes, the session has been wonderful for all of us and naturally for my mother it has been very important. She liked it very much and is doing very good. My feeling is that it will help her forever and will make much easier her being here these last years. I’m very happy.
Also if we think on the complexity of the situation: three different countries, two different languages, helper, translator, old age, etc. I think the session has been the lightest and easiest it could be. It really looks like almost everything is possible…
J.R.A. – Germany
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Lily is the most accurate interdimensional communicator I’ve ever been to, and I’ve seen many over the last 27 years. I’ve known Lily for 15 years and we’ve covered so many areas, from soul readings, past life connections, business opportunities, and just lately connecting with family members who have crossed over. I am amazed at her agility in connecting with her guides and bringing through a seemingly unending stream of commentary, visual cues and impressions, and absolutely accurate information whether about my Grandfather who has passed, or about a successful business I should undertake. My life has been blessed through my experiences with Lily!
You know when you’re talking to a someone who’s really got ‘the gift.’ Lily is one of those special people, like James van Praagh. Personally, I’ve found her readings with people on the other side to be more in-depth than John Edwards. I have no doubt that Lily is about to become very famous. The world is just starting to find out about her. Thank goodness I connected with her before she’s so well known that it becomes impossible to book a reading with her.
Margaret Meredith – Minnesota
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I can’t begin to tell you how much you have come to mean to me, you are a blessing and I thank God for people like you. You are kind, loving and very intelligent. I feel better, much better. I am “armed” with courage, strength and light for my future, not just the business meeting I have coming up, that is only part of it, but my choices and life in general. Thank you.
Ali M. – California
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Your response brought tears to my eyes. A part of me was starting to lose hope and feeling trapped. I now feel hope again, thank you!
I will work on what happened at age four. We will see where it takes me. Thank you for helping me dig it up and for helping me get my hope back and keeping me on the right track. Words cannot express the gratitude I feel. It is such an uplifting experience talking and working with you! THANK YOU!
J.T. – Arizona
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Lily has this incredible gift of healing that touches the very core of your being. I can wholeheartedly recommend to anyone to take advantage of her loving presence on this Earth and have a reading with her.
On several occasions Lily allowed my father, who died in1973, to use her body to speak to me using her vocal cords. I could feel his unmistaken presence as if he stood right in front of me. His particular gestures and choice of words, as well as references to past events only he and I could know about, literally blew away my illusion that our two worlds are separate, or that we could lose a loved one. The reunion would allow past misunderstandings and unexpressed feelings to be cleared up and healed.
A.H.F. – Germany
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Thank you for the recent reading. I have been impressed with how right-on you were and how my other lives are reflected in my current life. Very interesting, indeed! And very exciting as I gain a sense of direction for my future.
C.M. – Minnesota
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My life shifted into crystal lightness in the first first minute of speaking with Lily. I felt like I had found my way home. In an instant, I felt the Mother I had lifetimes ago was brought back to me. I found my guide and my angel. A best friend through this life and on into eternity. I am blessed to have found her and to have her light beam on my soul. She is a truly amazing and beautiful person who has brings understanding, light, guidance, healing, hope, and love to all that she touches.
Emma Stoller – California
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Thank you for sharing your beautiful insights. I feel truly blessed! I have this tremendous sense of gratitude about feeling much more “awakened” and alive than I have in a long time. I’ve also had a progressive sense over the last year of having greater patience, love and compassion for my children and others. This feels wonderful. When I look back on the work that we have done together, I can’t believe how far we’ve progressed in one year. You are a special gift in my life!
Dana Anton – Minnesota
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For years now I have been thrilled (blessed, honored!) to be the beneficiary of your talents and beautiful spirit, Lily. Your energy and personality are like no one else in this world, and your insights – that I’ve thankfully had the wisdom to follow – have proven to be right on! From navigating through emotional ups and downs at work, to dream analysis, to understanding current events, to starting a small, creative business, you have been fundamental in my growth and sanity over the last 10 years. I can’t thank you enough for your caring and loving advice. Anyone who has a session with you will never forget it!
M.B. – Michigan
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Your gifts are too immense for adequate expression… My gratitude and joy are overflowing at this moment and is sure to expand in all of the moments to follow.
Because of our connection and all of the unprecedented gifts you shared with me yesterday, I have a renewed sense of purpose today that continues to gather momentum with each nano-second!
L.W. – Colorado
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I have been doing a lot of contemplating since our session. Wow!! You gave me so much to ponder. Thank you. I was so inspired, thrilled, heart-warmed, grounded… etc. etc., from our session that I couldn’t help but share my experience with “like-minded” people. I guess you have heard from a couple of them already. You give off such warmth and love and “kudos”, that I still feel so blessed to have had that time with you. I still am in the afterglow of our session.
R.T. – California
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I want to again thank you for your great energy and the time you spent bringing all that information my way … Your insights are ahead of their time. I got a strong feeling about that. The information coming in was sophisticated and interesting. I thought hmmm … something new that I have never heard of. That said, I know of no one doing this … I think you may be able to bring through insights not accessible by others … You have an innate connection with the future … Your potential is enormous. This is why I was feeling there is much future to your work.
Your natural energy is high and you are fresh and ready to go. And, boy, do you ever crank it out! I am energized by our talks in a very positive way. You are a beacon of rainbow light for this world. It’s like your heart is a pure crystal and the energy passes through you without obstruction, then is transmuted for understanding in rays of colors. You are a pure light.
Tom E. – Hawaii
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I appreciate you so very much. You are remarkable. I must mention that when you gave me the first reading so many, many things rang so true. When I first learned ancient history in college I was so enthralled with Mesopotamia. Also, I did my college senior term paper on the Russian revolution, and my partner is from a part of England where I lived (as a brutish person) in 1759. I have always hesitated traveling to China and the Amazon, and I do love Costa Rica – all mentioned in your reading. You are a God send.
J.F. – North Carolina
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I just wanted to express my deep gratitude for helping me spiritually. Although more than four years have passed, it has been difficult for me to come to terms with my father’s death. He was a wonderful person, with integrity, wisdom and generosity with people, and I considered it absolutely unfair what happened to him. Because of that, many times I felt lots of hatred and anger against the universe and others. The experience you helped me to live, will probably start to change some of my feelings about that.
Can I also say that, besides having an incredible gift, I felt you are a person full of love and compassion. Many, many thanks again and I wish you all the very best.
D.K. – Argentina
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I so much appreciate you working with me and being willing to empower my life’s work and mission … I went through a rebirthing with my wife [after our session]. This has opened up the space for me to feel her support in moving in a direction that you defined it is time to do … Your insights about moving forward regardless of the internal conversations and battle with ego were what was needed to allow me to move [forward] … I have been writing more and more and it is allowing me to redefine all of this… I am seeking the access of this mission to speak my truth to the world. So I guess I can blame this on you now … look what you started Lily … ha! Can’t thank you enough for the work this morning … It has created a profound shift in my consciousness. Nothing like creating new distinctions.
G.P. – Nevada
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Our hour was so inspiring just by confirming the host of big and little things that I’ve felt were true. I didn’t quite put it all together after our first session, but I get it now. 100% resonance on EVERYTHING you said. You are extremely gifted, and I’m so thankful for you. I will definitely keep you posted on events as they continue to unfold! All the blessings you can possibly handle.
P.V. – Minnesota
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My reading with Lily was an astounding and validating encounter. Lily’s channeling abilities are exceptional and undoubtedly, divinely guided. Her warmth and energy evoke an immediate feeling of trust, love and confidence.
During my session, my dear friend Dawn, who had transitioned a few years ago, had come through. I had never experienced “full-body” channeling previously but know without question this was my friend. Dawn’s persona came through with Lily’s every animated gesture and her addressing me as “buddy” which was Dawn’s pet name for me. My friend always used her hands to speak and she had such delicate and graceful fingers. Lily’s hand and arm movements replicated Dawn’s motion exactly. It was as though Dawn was sitting across from me and it was exciting, exhilarating, moving and most of all comforting.
Even the phrases Lily spoke were undeniably Dawn’s, particularly her reference to all the “good-looking guys in heaven!!!!” Dawn had me laughing and crying and issued a stern warning to stop worrying – she’s never been better! Peace was finally hers. Her pain was gone and to know that set my mind at ease and enabled me to stop worrying and wondering if she was alright. I was so reassured and relieved to learn that Dawn was amazingly happy and existing in peaceful tranquility beyond anything we had imagined.
Lily is wonderfully talented and her gifts have provided me a means to visit with my cherished friend and help ease the overwhelming loneliness of her absence. Her abilities have confirmed for me that no one is ever really gone, only existing in a different place and form. I am thankful for the peace, the comfort and the genuine love my experience with Lily has afforded me. Truly the universe smiled upon me the day I met Lily.
Beth C. – South Carolina
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I first met Lily in 1998 at an International Peace Conference in Israel. Perhaps like no other, I have witnessed hundreds of occasions where Lily has helped transform lives from misery and depression to joy, peace and abundance. She has this incredible gift to employ the gifts, profound insights and healing energies of angelic beings, spiritual masters and healers on the other side, and channel these to the person in need.
Soon after I met Lily, one of her personal guides at the time – the brilliant inventor, Nikola Tesla – told me that I was an artist and recommended that I start painting immediately. Since I never painted before, this came as a big surprise. Within two weeks, Lily brought through numerous master painter luminaries on the other side, including Van Gogh, Picasso, Rembrandt and others who taught me how to paint. From this auspicious start, I created a series of oil paintings that formed the healing method Ener-Chi Art.
Lily has access to almost every source of information available. When I wrote my book, Lifting the Veil of Duality, she channeled poetic ruminations from celebrated people who had passed, each matching the theme of a particular chapter in the book, including Mahatma Gandhi, Edgar Cayce, Merlin, Rumi and many others. Their words of wisdom have since helped transform the lives of thousands of readers.
With her unique spiritual connections to the higher dimensions, Lily has helped individuals (and corporations) create more abundance in their lives – financial, physical, emotional and spiritual. I am one of these fortunate people.
Andreas M. – South Carolina
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I wanted to write about Lily because who she is, and what she does, is so important. Always, yes, but especially right now.
The spiritual path is often a lonely path, often a difficult path. Agreeing to look at life events as lessons to be learned, as blessings on a path to enlightenment, as opportunities, has challenged me to the core. What? No more victimization? You mean I chose this or that — awful/hard/stressful thing? You mean I need to look at ME — and my responses in relation to these ‘things’ in order to actualize? Well drat, that means I have to take responsibility for my life?
In a time of sincere confusion and sorrow, a friend introduced me to Lily. Thank God. Thank Goddess. Thank every spiritual component of every spiritual being, on every planet in the universe.
Through Lily I have been able to hear my ‘guides’ speak to me, speak to me in a way that I know that they see me, are seeing me, are watching me. That I am loved. That I matter in this human mishmash called life.
She has helped me speak with my dead mother, an opportunity for both of us to heal old wounds. I heard the words of my darling friend Marnie, who died horrifically last fall, describing where she is. She told me that her death, in that way, was part of her plan. And Marnie told me that I will “love it” when I come. Yes, words of comfort and solace, but more.
Through Lily one comes to understand that this all ‘makes sense ‘… That it is in fact a perfect world, just waiting for us to ‘get it’. The words and thoughts Lily conveys are real; events are related that no one else could possibly know about, except for me and the person Lily is bringing through to me. No hocus pocus, no mumbo jumbo. Communication.
Lily, who in bringing through and letting us converse with those who have died, in perspective on those who are living, but whose relationship brings us questions, enables us to connect to the core of what was important to learn.
Her gift allows us to listen to words of wisdom from our guides, which facilitates our healing, our integrating what was important and meaningful in the relationship, or event. Which allows us to see it, let it go, and move on. Lily, and her gifts are a miracle. For each and every one of us. For each and every one of you. Lily is love … in its highest and best form.
And, oh yes, did I mention the joy of being able to visit the animals in our lives — the animals that have died?
C.A.S. – Minnesota